I have researched the topic thoroughly and have uncovered a completely 100% accurate way to determine what sort of mother you are:
Pick which answer most describes your parenting:
1) What sort of delivery did/will you have?
a. A hospital birth, I'm concerned about safety if I did not.
b. A birthing center, near the hospital. Best of both worlds!
c. In the comfort of my home, where else would be better?
2) Will/did you receive pain medication?
a. Load me up baby! I want to enjoy my labor!
b. I'll try it without it, but won't beat myself up if I end up getting it.
c. I want to do it au naturale. I want my child born drug-free.
3) If you have a son, did/will you circumcise?
a. Yes! I feel it is easier/healthier, his father is circed, I don't want him teased, etc
b. I'm unsure. I may leave it up to his father to decide.
c. No way! It is completely unnecessary and is a risky procedure.
4) Will your child receive vaccinations?
a. Yes, and on the typical schedule. I feel the benefits outweigh the risks.
b. Yes, but on a delayed or modified schedule. I think this issue warrants more study.
c. No, my child has/will not be vaccinated. There are too many questions that need answers.
5) Do/did you plan to breastfeed?
a. No, formula is nutritious and satisfactory for my child.
b. I'll try it, but if it doesn't work out, that's ok too.
c. I am committed to breastfeeding. Breast is best.
6) If you breastfeed, how long will you breastfeed your child?
a. I'll just try to let baby receive the colostrum, the best milk.
b. My goal is 6 months to 12 months, give or take.
c. I plan on extended-nursing and/or child-led weaning.
7) What about slinging/baby-wearing your child?
a. I tried it, but I never got the hang of it.
b. We use a Bjorn, especially during shopping trips/walks.
c. I have a mei-tai, pouch, wrap, or ring-sling and use it very often.
8) Do you use any sleep-training/scheduling?
a. Yes, it was too hard to deal with no sleep. My baby thrives on a routine.
b. Somewhat. We modified it to fit our family situation.
c. No way! I follow my child's cues and it's worked out wonderfully!
9) Would you consider cloth diapers?
a. No, they sound like a lot of work, and that's the last thing I need.
b. I would try them, but I really don't think it's for me.
c. Oh yeah! I love the savings and the cute fluffy butts!
10) What foods do you give your child?
a. Typical baby stuff such as jarred purées, rice cereal, puffs, the occasional fast food treat
b. Typical baby stuff, but I try to get only organic brands, and I limit fast food.
c. I make all our babyfood myself, using fruits and veggies I myself grew. Absolutely no processed-food.
Answer key
mostly a's: You try to make the best decision for your family. You are an awesome mother!
mostly b's: You try to make the best decision for your family. You are an awesome mother!
mostly c's: You try to make the best decision for your family. You are an awesome mother!
There you have it! What sort of mother are you?