Tuesday, February 24, 2009

My Twins Are 2!

And still happily breastfed!


1 comment:

Erica said...

Hi there! Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. I can't see the picture in this post, but Congrats on breastfeeding this long. I actually am still breastfeeding my 4.5 year old. Lately she hasn't nursed as often, because I've cut her back- but nursing brings such joy to children! Anyway, to answer your question, there is nothing they can do in utero. They used to try to drain the brain fluid from babies in utero (like cut mom open and place a shunt), but all the babies would die... so they stopped that. If they baby had some sort of infection, they could do a blood transfusion, but since there is no infection (that they found testing my blood), there is nothing they can do, but just sit back and wait.

Hugs to you!