Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
I love cloth diapers. It's not as hard as you think either. You just put them on, and then when they are dirty, you wash them. Voila! There are certain detergents to use but it's not near the rocket science it's often perceived to be. Nor as gross.

Pictured above, my two rascals are dancing in front of a fan in a blue Kissaluv sherpa fitted (Oscar) and a farm-print terry cotton fitted by Patchwork Pixie (Matilda). Typically fitteds use covers, but in this case, they were coverless. The covers are made of water-resistant fabrics like fleece, wool, or polyurethane laminate (aka PUL) fabric.
The more classic-style diaper, flats or prefolds, also require a cover. We have some prefolds, like this one Matilda is wearing, also from Patchwork Pixie, bought used and in excellent shape, from Meagan (owner of PWP herself). They no longer need pins to fasten, there is a wonderful invention called a Snappi that holds it all together.

Here is an example of a cover. This is a purple fleece cover from Calico Baby. It goes over fitteds and prefolds.

Then there are "all-in-one" styles, such as what Oscar is wearing. This is a Mudpie. All-in-ones are just what it says- all-in-one. An outside layer of something water-resistant, much like a cover. Inside there is an absorbant material, often velour, cotton, flannel, etc. These are great because unless there is a poop, you can just swap the wet liners out with a clean one, it's very practical. The downside is they tend to be more expensive. And most are made out of PUL which breaks down faster than other materials.

Here's my favorite- it's a "pocket" style. It's basically like a all-in-one, but is pillow sham-esque in that you stuff the water-resistant cover with an absorbant liner. They are easy as pie and I wish I had 2 dozen. The best, in my opinion, is Fuzzi Bunz. Here is Oscar modeling a train print Fuzzi Bunz.

By the way, all but the Calico Baby cover and the blue Kissaluv were bought used (aka previously loved) and are in great condition, no stains or anything. The Kissaluv is a "seconds" which means it is imperfect in a cosmetic way and still works as efficiently as a regular quality Kissaluv. In my case, I can't tell what is different, it looks great to me.
Pictured above, my two rascals are dancing in front of a fan in a blue Kissaluv sherpa fitted (Oscar) and a farm-print terry cotton fitted by Patchwork Pixie (Matilda). Typically fitteds use covers, but in this case, they were coverless. The covers are made of water-resistant fabrics like fleece, wool, or polyurethane laminate (aka PUL) fabric.
The more classic-style diaper, flats or prefolds, also require a cover. We have some prefolds, like this one Matilda is wearing, also from Patchwork Pixie, bought used and in excellent shape, from Meagan (owner of PWP herself). They no longer need pins to fasten, there is a wonderful invention called a Snappi that holds it all together.
Here is an example of a cover. This is a purple fleece cover from Calico Baby. It goes over fitteds and prefolds.
Then there are "all-in-one" styles, such as what Oscar is wearing. This is a Mudpie. All-in-ones are just what it says- all-in-one. An outside layer of something water-resistant, much like a cover. Inside there is an absorbant material, often velour, cotton, flannel, etc. These are great because unless there is a poop, you can just swap the wet liners out with a clean one, it's very practical. The downside is they tend to be more expensive. And most are made out of PUL which breaks down faster than other materials.
Here's my favorite- it's a "pocket" style. It's basically like a all-in-one, but is pillow sham-esque in that you stuff the water-resistant cover with an absorbant liner. They are easy as pie and I wish I had 2 dozen. The best, in my opinion, is Fuzzi Bunz. Here is Oscar modeling a train print Fuzzi Bunz.
By the way, all but the Calico Baby cover and the blue Kissaluv were bought used (aka previously loved) and are in great condition, no stains or anything. The Kissaluv is a "seconds" which means it is imperfect in a cosmetic way and still works as efficiently as a regular quality Kissaluv. In my case, I can't tell what is different, it looks great to me.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Found some yummy locally-produced milk. There is a great Mennonite family that lives in our town and they sell milk, ice cream, butter, cheese, molasses, and other stuff. They are in town every Tuesday. I'll definitely be hitting them up. The milk is so good, it's so creamy and clean tasting. I did get some gas later, I suspect it's too rich for as tall a glass as I like to drink. Worth it though.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Random Chicken
Occasionally for dinner I will make "random chicken" which is basically chicken baked in whatever I have on hand, nothing special. This time I decided to use stuff from my garden. In this case:
approx 2 Tbsp chopped chives
approx 1 tsp chopped purslane leaves
1/2 tsp minced garlic
1 package Chik Fil A Polynesian sauce
approx 1/4 cup red wine vinaigrette
It was ok. Definitely maintained the tropical sweet kick of the sauce, but nice and herby with the chives and purslane. Chad said it was ok to put "in rotation" so I guess it was pretty decent. I thought it looked pretty too.
Keep It Simple Sweetheart...
Remember that catch-phrase?
Well, I am trying to implement it. First area of attack- KITCHEN!
Look for an update soon.
Remember that catch-phrase?
Well, I am trying to implement it. First area of attack- KITCHEN!
Look for an update soon.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Pumpkin Hunting
Saturday, October 18, 2008
I broke my sewing machine I think. Can someone wiser than me figure out what I did? It all started when I tried to make a shirt for my cousin's daughter's birthday. My cousin is a major Elvis fan, so I wanted to sew a panel of this fabric onto a plain shirt for her daughter. I have a simple machine and the prettiest stitch I can make is a zig zag. started great. Til I realized I had sewn through both layers, front and back, of the shirt. DOH!

I removed the screwed up shirt and went and bought another and tried again but this time my zig wouldn't zag. The top stitching is working, but the under-stitching isn't. I probably am not using the right terms, sorry. Complete novice here.

Can anyone see what I have done wrong? I had my granny and mom, both experienced at sewing, and they don't see a problem with anything and can't figure out how to fix it. I keep rethreading it and rethreading it and it does it EVERY TIME. Also, the thread comes out oily. And my last project was a mei tai carrier. I think I tried to sew through too thick a set of layers and it bucked on me once or twice and since then, it's been acting ugly. But rethreading it always fixed it.

I removed the screwed up shirt and went and bought another and tried again but this time my zig wouldn't zag. The top stitching is working, but the under-stitching isn't. I probably am not using the right terms, sorry. Complete novice here.
Can anyone see what I have done wrong? I had my granny and mom, both experienced at sewing, and they don't see a problem with anything and can't figure out how to fix it. I keep rethreading it and rethreading it and it does it EVERY TIME. Also, the thread comes out oily. And my last project was a mei tai carrier. I think I tried to sew through too thick a set of layers and it bucked on me once or twice and since then, it's been acting ugly. But rethreading it always fixed it.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Flowers and herbs
My rose bush, perhaps a rugosa or Dr. Huey? Was planted by my great grandmother Maudie circa 1960.

At first I thought this was some strange moth that looked like a spider. Then I realized it was a spider eating a moth. That explains it!

Here are my lovely chives.

and my strawberries (Quinault)

A mystery plant, maybe an herb that I planted early spring and forgot about? It's all around that side of the bed. It looks familiar. I admit though, it may just be some random weed.

Another mystery plant. I think it looks like basil or oregano, both of which I also planted in the bed early spring/summer. My granny says it's poke salad. Who knows?

My lovely lavender...

and some visitors...

and my daisies and marigolds...

At first I thought this was some strange moth that looked like a spider. Then I realized it was a spider eating a moth. That explains it!
Here are my lovely chives.
and my strawberries (Quinault)
A mystery plant, maybe an herb that I planted early spring and forgot about? It's all around that side of the bed. It looks familiar. I admit though, it may just be some random weed.
Another mystery plant. I think it looks like basil or oregano, both of which I also planted in the bed early spring/summer. My granny says it's poke salad. Who knows?
My lovely lavender...
and some visitors...
and my daisies and marigolds...
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Obama Mama
I am voting for Obama.
There...I said it.
I am Christian and pro-life, but I don't think Roe vs. Wade will ever be overturned, and that, coupled with the terrible treatment of the middle class and underprivileged, I am happily and confidently casting my vote for Obama come Election Day. Even though I know in TN, this vote will be basically meaningless. It means a lot to me. I am making my vote on principle and have put much thought into it. To me that makes it mean more, at least philosophically, than someone who cast their vote without research or delving further into the topics that come across their desks in e-mail forwards, usually tantamount to urban legend, pure fabrication. Same goes for the mud-slinging ads, and as far as that goes, I am disappointed in both candidates. in Tennessee, its electoral votes will undoubtedly go to McCain. Especially in West TN, where I live. Funny family history trivia is relevant here. My great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather, Captain Asa Nelson "Black Hawk" Hays, who served in the Civil War, pro-Union, was once said to be such a devout Republican that he ordered his children to never vote Democrat, or else they'd be outcast from the family.

Sorry Grandpa Asa, I think the world is vastly different. Please don't disown me. ;)
There...I said it.
I am Christian and pro-life, but I don't think Roe vs. Wade will ever be overturned, and that, coupled with the terrible treatment of the middle class and underprivileged, I am happily and confidently casting my vote for Obama come Election Day. Even though I know in TN, this vote will be basically meaningless. It means a lot to me. I am making my vote on principle and have put much thought into it. To me that makes it mean more, at least philosophically, than someone who cast their vote without research or delving further into the topics that come across their desks in e-mail forwards, usually tantamount to urban legend, pure fabrication. Same goes for the mud-slinging ads, and as far as that goes, I am disappointed in both candidates. in Tennessee, its electoral votes will undoubtedly go to McCain. Especially in West TN, where I live. Funny family history trivia is relevant here. My great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather, Captain Asa Nelson "Black Hawk" Hays, who served in the Civil War, pro-Union, was once said to be such a devout Republican that he ordered his children to never vote Democrat, or else they'd be outcast from the family.
Sorry Grandpa Asa, I think the world is vastly different. Please don't disown me. ;)
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Trip down memory lane...
I decided I'd "introduce" everyone to my children. They were born 6 weeks early. Matilda Raven was born first, at 7:28 pm on 2/23/07, after 2.5 hours of pushing, plus 11 hours of labor. She came into the world pink and screaming, her APGARs were a stout 9 and 10. Oscar Robert was born exactly 2.5 hours later, at 9:58 pm, 2/23/07, after about 2 hours of pushing. But he wasn't born vaginally. I pushed for those 2 hours and unfortunately, he wasn't coming out and his heart rate kept dropping, so he was born via an emergency c-section. My doctor cut me vertically on my stomach but my womb he cut transverse, in hopes of aiding a future VBAC. Oscar was very sick. He never cried and needed immediate intubation and help breathing. By 6 am the next morning, he was on a ventilator. He had developed pneumonia in both lungs with one collapsing and the other 3/4 collapsed. In the meantime, I pumped my breasts and tried to deal with all the stress as best I could. Matilda did excellent, thank God, and 9 days after being born, she came home. She was exclusively breastfed and off the pumped milk, by 2 weeks old. Oscar struggled for 6 days at our birth hospital, and was transferred to Vanderbilt because nothing else could be done where we were and Vandy had ECMO, basically a heart/lung bypass machine for babies. He was there for another 5-6 days and sent back to Jackson after regaining strength and being weaned from the ventilator to CPAP. He stayed in Jackson's NICU another 2-3 weeks and came home to us at a month and a day old, on oxygen and apnea monitors. Those first months were a blur and he refused the breast at first. For months I tried and I was just about to give up when my mother-in-law, who had breastfed her children, came up with the ingenious idea to get him going on a bottle and then switcheroo to my breast. It worked and from then on he started refusing bottles. They are both still breastfed now, at 19 months old, and show little sign of stopping any time soon. I am extremely proud of myself for this accomplishment. I can't express how much I love breastfeeding my children. Don't get me wrong, I rant and rave about some of the negatives like night-feedings and refusing bottles and such, but I still love it. Anyway, here is a picture-filled timeline of the answers to my most oldest children.

My last belly pic, at almost 32 weeks, just 2 weeks before they were born.

Matilda, first born

Oscar, first born

"kangaroo care" in the NICU with Oscar, about 4 weeks old.

Matilda's first cloth diaper! Shout out to Muttaqin for the diaper and Pishypants for the tie-dyed cover. She is about 4 weeks old.

Together again for the first time since birth, 1 month old

Breakin' out the bumbos...about 3 months old.

Mama kisses! About 4 months old. Oscar had just started breastfeeding from the "tap", notice the new chub!

at the Pumpkin Patch, 8 months old

Good Morning! 9 months old

Bathtime, 9.5 months old

Merry Christmas! 10 months old

Happy Birthday Oscar and Matilda!

Fun in the sun! 16 months old

Playing with bubbles, 17 months old

Hairbow Medusa and Angus Young...18 months old. Shout out to Batik Bum for the AC/DC diaper cover! Love it!

Well, there you have it. My kids, my blessings, my all.
My last belly pic, at almost 32 weeks, just 2 weeks before they were born.
Matilda, first born
Oscar, first born
"kangaroo care" in the NICU with Oscar, about 4 weeks old.
Matilda's first cloth diaper! Shout out to Muttaqin for the diaper and Pishypants for the tie-dyed cover. She is about 4 weeks old.
Together again for the first time since birth, 1 month old
Breakin' out the bumbos...about 3 months old.
Mama kisses! About 4 months old. Oscar had just started breastfeeding from the "tap", notice the new chub!
at the Pumpkin Patch, 8 months old
Good Morning! 9 months old
Bathtime, 9.5 months old
Merry Christmas! 10 months old
Happy Birthday Oscar and Matilda!
Fun in the sun! 16 months old
Playing with bubbles, 17 months old
Hairbow Medusa and Angus Young...18 months old. Shout out to Batik Bum for the AC/DC diaper cover! Love it!
Well, there you have it. My kids, my blessings, my all.
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