Pictured above, my two rascals are dancing in front of a fan in a blue Kissaluv sherpa fitted (Oscar) and a farm-print terry cotton fitted by Patchwork Pixie (Matilda). Typically fitteds use covers, but in this case, they were coverless. The covers are made of water-resistant fabrics like fleece, wool, or polyurethane laminate (aka PUL) fabric.
The more classic-style diaper, flats or prefolds, also require a cover. We have some prefolds, like this one Matilda is wearing, also from Patchwork Pixie, bought used and in excellent shape, from Meagan (owner of PWP herself). They no longer need pins to fasten, there is a wonderful invention called a Snappi that holds it all together.
Here is an example of a cover. This is a purple fleece cover from Calico Baby. It goes over fitteds and prefolds.
Then there are "all-in-one" styles, such as what Oscar is wearing. This is a Mudpie. All-in-ones are just what it says- all-in-one. An outside layer of something water-resistant, much like a cover. Inside there is an absorbant material, often velour, cotton, flannel, etc. These are great because unless there is a poop, you can just swap the wet liners out with a clean one, it's very practical. The downside is they tend to be more expensive. And most are made out of PUL which breaks down faster than other materials.
Here's my favorite- it's a "pocket" style. It's basically like a all-in-one, but is pillow sham-esque in that you stuff the water-resistant cover with an absorbant liner. They are easy as pie and I wish I had 2 dozen. The best, in my opinion, is Fuzzi Bunz. Here is Oscar modeling a train print Fuzzi Bunz.
By the way, all but the Calico Baby cover and the blue Kissaluv were bought used (aka previously loved) and are in great condition, no stains or anything. The Kissaluv is a "seconds" which means it is imperfect in a cosmetic way and still works as efficiently as a regular quality Kissaluv. In my case, I can't tell what is different, it looks great to me.
Hi - This is Jenny from FuzziBunz. I was online and saw your post come up on google alert. Oscar looks super cute in the train print - thanks for your support for FuzziBunz!
I love fluffy pics! And I think I may have finally converted someone to cloth..yay :)
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